Many people write to me saying they cannot find cotton yarn to do my amigurumis, so I decided to write a small list of the material I use, to make the search easier.
If you know other cotton brands, please send me the link, so I can add them to this list.
If you know other cotton brands, please send me the link, so I can add them to this list.
Almost all my toys patterns are working with a steel hook 1,75mm.
In United States it is a 4. In UK is a 2.
In United States it is a 4. In UK is a 2.
This is the yarn I use.
It is a 100% egyptian mercerized cotton.
Gr. 50 – 226 mt aprox.
Brand: BBB filati
You can also use this:
It is a 100% egyptian mercerized cotton.
Gr. 100 – 400 mt aprox.
Brand: DMC
Or this:
It is a 100% mercerized cotton.
Brand: Anchor
Or this:
It is a 100% mercerized cotton.
Gr. 50 – 282 mt aprox.
Brand: YarnArt
Or this:
It is a 100% mercerized cotton.
Brand: Red Heart
There are a lots of brands around the world! Use this tags to search materials:
cotton, yarn, mercerized, crochet.
Better if you use them in your language, that's easier find a shop near home.
Always read the used crochet size: between 1,5mm and 2mm (steel hook).
Always read weight and length: for 50gr. - approx. 230/260mt.
Hope this will be helpful.
And if you know new brands, please write me, so I can update the list.
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